Climbing The Grand Shaft
Climbing The Grand Shaft

The Grand Shaft is a triple staircase cut through the chalk at Dover during Napoleonic times which allowed the rapid movement of troops from the cliifftop barracks down to the harbour. This is a sequential image taken with a Nikon D7100 DSLR on a slidebar. The image was accepted for the 2020 Southern Cross stereo photography exhibition in Sydney.

Photographer: Kevin Harvey

Climbing The Grand Shaft

The Grand Shaft is a triple staircase cut through the chalk at Dover during Napoleonic times which allowed the rapid movement of troops from the cliifftop barracks down to the harbour. This is a sequential image taken with a Nikon D7100 DSLR on a slidebar. The image was accepted for the 2020 Southern Cross stereo photography exhibition in Sydney.

Photographer: Kevin Harvey